Hi. This is Dr. Kaaren Douglas, the Follow Up Doctor. You
can find me at drkaaren@thefollowupdoctor and that's drkaaren@thefolowupdoctor.com.
My tip for today is you
need to track what you do. This may seem completely obvious to you if
you're already doing it, but I find that the majority of people don't
understand that the sales that they're looking for are likely to happen between
the 7th and the 12th contact. That means contact of any kind.
either may not contact at all and hope that the other person is going to
contact them or they may quit after two or three times. You don't want to be
one of those people, so you need to track how many times you're actually
contacting somebody you consider to be a good prospect for you. Now, there are variety of ways that you could
do this and I'm sure you will appreciate this.
- I have a client who's a photographer and she actually contacts people using an Excel spreadsheet. Every time she has some kind of contact with them, then she notes it on the Excel spreadsheet. If you're really computer savvy and that's comfortable for you, that maybe the way that you want to go.
- Other people like to have a sheet of paper that they're using with columns so that you can actually put the name and then the phone number and then a column for the different times that you're contacting the person. Either do a check mark or some kind of notation for yourself. Again, the contacts can be social media, e-mail, whatever ... phone calls, whatever and they don't have to be you're contacting them. If you have an assistant, you can have your assistant keeping track also.
- A third way that you may want to think about doing contacts is a system that I've been using because I'm so visual and I need to be actually able to see what I'm doing and to remind myself. I put the business the card right onto a 5x7 card and then I have plenty of time or plenty of space to write the date that I contact the person and any kind of notes on that contact, so that's the system that I'm using. Whatever system that you use, you need to be using something.
The tip for today is to track the number of times that you contact somebody that you consider
to be a good prospect. This is Dr. Kaaren Douglas, the follow up doctor.
Trust me, I'm a doctor, the Follow Up Doctor and you can reach me at drkaaren@thefollowupdoctor.com. Aloha
If you'd like to see how someone else suggests follow up, see AndreaSittigRolf who has a different take on a follow up system.
Dr. Kaaren
The Follow Up Doctor